Home Career Paid Volunteer Hiring For 2 Month ( 25/04/2081 To 25/06/2081

Paid Volunteer Hiring For 2 Month ( 25/04/2081 To 25/06/2081

by Admin

We are hiring some Paid Volunteer in every cities of Nepal. This job can be done part time, full time and free time also. First of all you will be given training through Google Meet. This will be related to the service of our company and your job. After this your work will start. Where you will collaborate businesses in your local area by telling them about our company and services.

The volunteer will be given Rs 500 for collaborating a business. If you understand the work well and work diligently, you will be able to easily collaborate 10-20 businesses in a day. That is why the more work you can do by starting work early, the more you will be able to earn. We are confident that this time in “Dashai” you will have more money than last year and will have more customers with us.

If you want to take this opportunity and want to work with us then contact us now. Our customer care officer will guide you in the further process.

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